Friday, February 11, 2011

Weigh in Week 2

As everyone in WI knows the Packers won the Super Bowl!  This has been a crazy week of celebrating on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...... and so on.  This has not been a great week for my diet.  We were at parties on Sunday and ate out on Wednesday so I guess I should not be too discouraged by this week’s weigh in.

Week 2 I did not gain any weigh, but I also did not lose any weight either. I simply maintained what I lost last week.  This has slightly discouraged me, but has also made me realize that next week I have to double up my efforts to stay on track.  I did not do any cardio this week and will have to start that up again next week. 

I guess my saying for this week is if it was easy to be thin then everyone would be! I will try hard not to beat myself up and work harder to lose more lbs next week. 

Recipe of the week- Italian chicken 7pts
Take 10 saltine crackers and crunch them up. Add Garlic Salt and garlic powder to crackers.
Take boneless skinless chicken and dip in no fat Italian dressing, next put in cracker crumbs and shake
Bake chicken for 25 minutes at 400 degrees
I put the chicken on top of whole wheat pasta and a veggie tomatoes sauce

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